Ha, don’t be silly, it’s really a shop offering dairy products, but it would be very unattractive to have a cow’s udders!


“Sorry, my English, very hard for me to properly translate, yet it essentially says, ‘If the good Lord intended women to wear clothes, He wouldn’t have made their bodies so freaking awesome, dude!'”

“Yes, we do understand that they are a little bit jagged, okay, a lot jagged, compared with the real deal, but this was done intentionally in order to illustrate how we must all eventually realize that we can’t improve upon what is natural, and if we try, we can’t help except to fall far short of the actual sublime beauty that is Nature Herself. Okay, who am I kidding here? The artist seriously messed up big time!”

“Aw, come on, guys, eyes up over here, and up over here, and up over here as well…”

“That’s right, these are only for the sign. They in no way display the results of how one’s cosmetic surgery may turn out.”
“Look, sir, I’m gonna need a helluva lot better guarantee than just that. Like the surgery by far ain’t gonna turn out like these here at all!”

“Uh, I guess I never thought about having customers pay to stick their faces into our sign. Are there truly people this depraved and desperate around? Really, that many? Well, all freaking right, I’m gonna make a real killing in this business then!”

“Now remember, this representation is of course strictly used for serious meditative purposes only, but notice how they do seem to follow you around no matter where you look.”

“Oh, those beautiful knockers will look just wonderful over the door! I just don’t understand how anyone inside is going to be able to hear them.”

“Ah, welcome please to our humble Dojo/Strip Club.”

“No, please forgive me, you simply misunderstood what I meant. I honestly wasn’t calling you guys ‘boobs.’ You should realize that I was only referring to your sign, even though you guys ain’t exactly showing that much of a high standard by having such an awful thing on display!”

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